I went to the doctor today to have my 28-week appointment. The results of the gestational diabetes test and my thyroid check were fine. They said they are both in the perfect range. I am so glad to have the last set of tests out of the way. Miles's heart was beating 154 beats per minute (this is a compromise -- I think the technician said 153 but Brandon heard 155 hence 154 since we forgot to check before leaving). The doctor says that I have gained 22 pounds so far. When I weighed and measured this morning, I had gained 26 pounds and my waist is now 36.5 inches (total increase = 8.5 inches). Miles is really moving around. I am feeling less kicks and thumps and more turning over and twisting. My belly button is pretty much flat or protruding now.
I am feeling really good so far. I really haven't had any swelling. My lower back occasionally aches but nothing unbearable. Brandon still hears about it, though.
Brandon informed me yesterday that my brain is shrinking according to his father-oriented pregnancy book he is currently reading. I looked it up on-line today and it seems that there was a study done back in 1997 by the doctors at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London. Their research suggested that the brains of pregnant women appear to shrink during late pregnancy which offers an explanation for cognitive problems some women experience. They say it can take up to 6 months to regain the brain volumne prior to pregnancy. They suggested that women don't lose brain cells just cell volumne. Well, given my mental state as of late, I believe it. I have forgotten the most basic things. I can't seem to read baking instructions correctly. It doesn't take much to confuse me these days.
I started painting wall letters yesterday to hang in Miles's room. I hope to finish tonight. Each letter is about 10 or 12 inches in height. I got two out of five letters done with some prep work done on the other three letters. I decided to use several colors from his crib blanket (each letter painted a different color) and decorate them similar to the quilted letters of the crib blanket. I tried not to be too aggresive in decorating them since it doesn't take much to make me want to throw something through a window if it isn't working out the way I want it -- I am sure Brandon is crossing his fingers hoping that they meet my standards. I'll post a picture of them when I finish -- hopefully, they won't be broken into a billion pieces.
We can't wait until the furniture comes in. We have been hesitant to put anything on the walls since the furniture isn't here. I have an idea of how I want the room to look, but I haven't got a clue how to make that idea a reality. I am hoping once the furniture comes in it will spring me into action.
I will try to post a photo of the my belly profile this week. I know I am behind on posting photos.
I hope everyone is doing well.