I am 15 weeks and 1 day today. I went to the doctor today. I pushed my doctor's appointment before my two week travel instead of after because Brandon and I couldn't bare the thought of having to wait an extra week for the ultrasound. We can't wait to find out whether we are having a little girl or little boy.
The doctor said everything looked great at the appointment. I have gained 6 pounds since my first appointment at 8 weeks. The nurse had a little trouble picking up the heart beat this time. She moved the sensor from one side to the other -- which made Brandon and I nervous. But once she picked it up on doppler, you could hear the baby moving around. The heart was beating 146 beats per minute.
I can't wait to start feeling the baby move. The nurse said for the next appointment I will need to wake the baby up so they will be able to tell its sex -- so the baby won't have it's legs folded. She said especially if the baby sleeps in the morning. I just look at her and thought thats weird how can I possibly know if the baby sleeps in the morning. The appointment is 5 weeks away. It doesn't seem possible that I will know the baby's sleeping pattern by then- especially since I haven't even felt anything yet. The nurse told me to get some caffeine or sugar to make sure the baby is awake. Brandon and I both thought that was odd.
I am traveling to Arizona and Nevada for the next two weeks so I am hoping that goes okay. This will be my last live fire for awhile. I am the most worried about eating and drinking because it is hard to eat healthy on the range. For the second week, the tests will be conducted at night, and I am fairly brain dead after 8:00 now a days. The good thing about the trip is that Brandon may get to visit me in Las Vegas on the weekend of the 15th.
About being brain dead, I definitely have pregnancy brain. Its like I am in a dream as far as my reactions -- I am so slow mentally. I don't seem to get any jokes and I am constantly making Brandon laugh with my off handed remarks that don't make any sense or when I fess up to him about forgetting to do something and then I realize as I am apologizing that I did do it I just don't recall doing it.
Oh well, I hope everyone has a great two weeks. I probably won't blog until I get back November 23rd.
1 comment:
You look so pretty! I cannot wait until my new baby cousin is here and Ella Cate's new playmate! I love ya'll both! Take care!!
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